On an icy cold night with snow predicted, we weren't expecting a big turnout. How wrong we were I'm pleased to say as just over twenty of us turned out for Bill's evening on charcoal drawing. Once we were warmed up, we huddled around to look at the beautiful charcoal pictures Bill had brought along to show. We then set about taking mucky black sticks of charcoal in hand and having a go ourselves with some fantastic results. There were plenty of trips to the kitchen to wash blackened hands this evening :)
In other news - there was some excitement regards the Christmas Tree - renewed pride as Norma showed us all why she is not to be messed around with.
And finally, David is asking for volunteers from the membership to lead future evenings in the Spring Programme next year. Don't be shy and go have a word when you next see him.
That's the last meeting of the year. Next week is the Christmas Meal. Hope everyone who is going has a fantastic time. The Art Group returns in the New Year on January 7th with a DVD tuition to ease us back in with the theme "People Aren't Scary" (except, as previously mentioned, if you manage to cross swords with a certain chairwoman :) )
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